Showing: 1 - 6 of 7 Articles

6 Steps to a Safer Work Environment

Whether you are an owner, manager or worker, there’s a good chance that you’re probably interested in creating a safer work environment. A safer work environment overall is great for business. The safer your workplace, the fewer the opportunities for injury and death. Even better, safety conscious organizations are more likely to attract quality, long …

10 FAQs About Employee Background Checks

You hear about it in the news, on the radio, and on television every day.  Cases of workplace violence on the rise. Embezzlement on the rise. Sexual harassment on the rise. Background checks on all future hires are even MORE important than ever before to the success of your organization!  There are a lot of …

Smart Recruiting: The Real Value of Conducting Background Checks

The face value of an employee is just not good enough in today’s world. This is a concern that employers need to realize before bringing an individual on board. The truth is, you don’t know this candidate from Adam or whether or not the candidate’s resume is even factual. Background checks open that crack and …

Tess Taylor, HR Panel Expert on Preventing Workplace Violence

Workplace violence happens more often than most HR pros care to think about. While it doesn’t always make the 5 o’clock news, violence at work can happen with any size or type of company. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration reports that there are nearly 2 million American workers who have reported an incident of …