Showing: 1 - 6 of 24 Articles

Human Resource Career Advancement – Finally Getting Some Respect?

As an HR lady, I often faced a general attitude of disregard from executives. Back in the day when I was managing the people processes of a tristate manufacturing business, I can remember being left out of important decision making meetings by the management team and the owners of the company. The biggest problem was …

What Does Employee Engagement Look Like for Your Company?

Even though it might look like your employees are arriving to the workplace smiling and happily completing their work, things don’t always look like they may seem on the outside. Your “best” employees could actually be your worst nightmare. For example, CBS network published a story not too long ago that revealed a state worker …

Embrace the Data: How Analytical Thinking Separates You from the HR Pack

How many of us got into Human Resources because someone told us we’re a “people person?” Chances are that you have heard this many times. Of course… You’re fair. Cautious. An outstanding communicator and negotiator. You believe in ethics, and hope to do what’s best for both employees and management. In short, you give HR …

Getting Real about Performance Management

A good performance management system lays the foundation for all kinds of employment decisions, motivates employees by recognizing success and corrects issues before they get out of control.Sounds great in theory, right? Unfortunately, we are often so busy that we do not always think to formalize performance management beyond the annual review. Let’s take a …