Showing: 13 - 18 of 29 Articles

Retain The Best Talent In Your Business – Inspiring True Loyalty From Your Employees

There is nothing worse in business than having your most productive sales people, your most talented research and development staff or your most inspired customer service reps leave for a rival company or a better paid job. While some staff turnover is to be expected as people’s lives change and they may move to a …

What Action To Take When Dealing With A Negative Employee

One negative team member can ruin the morale of an entire workplace, often causing other team members to feel underappreciated and overly criticized. Learning how to control the response to negativity is important to maintaining productivity and keeping your employees feeling positive about the work that they are doing. Using tools that help you reduce …

How Does the HR Team Tackle Absenteeism? Corporate Surveillance Curbs Sick Leave Abuse

Ever wondered how employers train their HR departments to keep employee absenteeism to an efficient minimum? Surprisingly many of them don’t. Millions of pounds are wasted every year in the UK due to employee absenteeism, with employers paying out billions of pounds in wages to workers. Although recent figures suggest that the problem is on …