Showing: 13 - 18 of 19 Articles

Embrace the Data: How Analytical Thinking Separates You from the HR Pack

How many of us got into Human Resources because someone told us we’re a “people person?” Chances are that you have heard this many times. Of course… You’re fair. Cautious. An outstanding communicator and negotiator. You believe in ethics, and hope to do what’s best for both employees and management. In short, you give HR …

Human Resources: Why Won't Your Degree Land You That Plum Job?

In Human Resources, a college degree is an important asset in the workforce, because obtaining a degree shows that you can follow through on your commitments. The coursework you complete for your degree also gives you the knowledge you need to enter graduate-level programs or apply for entry-level jobs in your field. Unfortunately, some graduates …

How Does the HR Team Tackle Absenteeism? Corporate Surveillance Curbs Sick Leave Abuse

Ever wondered how employers train their HR departments to keep employee absenteeism to an efficient minimum? Surprisingly many of them don’t. Millions of pounds are wasted every year in the UK due to employee absenteeism, with employers paying out billions of pounds in wages to workers. Although recent figures suggest that the problem is on …

Online Safety Training: Tess C. Taylor quoted in SHRM's January 2013 HR Magazine

The trend towards online safety training in the workplace is on the rise, according to a recent article published in the January 2013 edition of the Society for Human Resources Management HR Magazine. The article Putting Safety Training Online, by Dave Zielinski, sheds light on a new way of providing job relevant safety training using …