6 Steps to a Safer Work Environment

Whether you are an owner, manager or worker, there’s a good chance that you’re probably interested in creating a safer work environment. A safer work environment overall is great for business. The safer your workplace, the fewer the opportunities for injury and death. Even better, safety conscious organizations are more likely to attract quality, long …

8 Genius Ways Your Company Can Boost Employee Engagement

Ask most human resource professionals what’s on their minds (outside of what’s for lunch?) and they are usually concerned with how well the company is doing with employee engagement. Why is this factor so important nowadays? First off, employee engagement is the pathway to a more motivated and productive team. Secondly, high levels of employee …

Embrace the Data: How Analytical Thinking Separates You from the HR Pack

How many of us got into Human Resources because someone told us we’re a “people person?” Chances are that you have heard this many times. Of course… You’re fair. Cautious. An outstanding communicator and negotiator. You believe in ethics, and hope to do what’s best for both employees and management. In short, you give HR …

HR Writer Blogazine Seeks Guest Blogs

At HR Writer, we love sharing everything there is to know about human resources, recruitment, careers, and technology around these markets. But, it’s impossible for any one team of writers to tap into the collective expertise of thousands of professionals out there who are working in the trenches and experiencing the impact of new HR …

Getting Real about Performance Management

A good performance management system lays the foundation for all kinds of employment decisions, motivates employees by recognizing success and corrects issues before they get out of control.Sounds great in theory, right? Unfortunately, we are often so busy that we do not always think to formalize performance management beyond the annual review. Let’s take a …